Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. - Henry Ford

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Job Interviews Presentation – January 31st, 2022

Vloženo: 02. 02. 2022 00:00:00

Mr. Whittman began by discussing the importance of role models both in terms of life and business. He gave his personal example of  Simon Sinek and why his philosophy toward business and life is inspiring and admirable. He asked the students to think about the “why” of their own lives and why businesses should also follow this model in terms of finding and working towards a clear purpose.

Throughout the talk, he related his own personal life experience based around finding his own “why” and how he has used that principle to become successful at multiple companies and in different fields. The students were very engaged during the presentation as Mr. Whittman discussed the importance of being able to take what we learn and apply it, rather than simply memorize facts which are later forgotten. He discussed in depth the differences between the corporate world and start-up companies and the expectations of working for either, and he then discussed the role of money in life and asked the students to decide for themselves if they like money, or if they like earning money. He focused on the importance of the latter, which is that loving the process, finding joy in one’s own work, and finding a job that allows a person to work based on their “why” is ultimately more valuable than simply living for a paycheck. The end of his presentation was focused on giving practical tips and advice for job interviews, which the students can use toward their own success. After the presentation, the students asked thoughtful questions about Mr. Whittman’s experiences, the professional world, and universities. His presentation was extremely engaging and the students expressed how much they loved the talk.

Blake also gave tips and tricks for interviews as he has spent many years working in HR. He provided valuable tips for the students as they will be doing interviews in HRWE soon and also in the real world as they apply for jobs as well as Universities. His advice was to research the person interviewing you and go in with knowledgeable questions about the company or about the person interviewing you. He suggested the students watch  Brene Brown’s Ted Talk on vulnerability and encouraged the students to live authentically.

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Zpět na stránku Aktuality
  • British Council
  • Europass
  • Financován Evropskou unií
  • ADRA
  • The Duke of Edinburghs International Award Czech Republic Foundation, o.p.s.

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